October 25 Branch Meeting

Voting: The Foundation of Democracy

Wednesday, October 25, 2023
Waterford Public Library

6:15 p.m.       Refreshments
6:45 p.m.       Business Meeting
7:00 p.m.       Program

The October program will feature Joanne Moore: President of the LWV SECT and co-president of the LWV CT. Her main focus in the League has to do with Voter Services. In that capacity, she provides voter education, voter registration, and manages candidate debates.

The League of Women Voters is 102 years old. It is nonpartisan and does not endorse candidates or parties. But they do study issues and take stands on issues especially legislation that protects voter rights and election safety. And they take stands on issues like the environment and gun control.

Joanne lives in East Lyme, is a retired physical therapist, and a member of the Soroptimist Club.