September 12, 2019 Branch Meeting

Days For Girls, International

Date:  Thursday, September 12, 2019
Time:  7:00 p.m.   Refreshments and Business Meeting
7:30 p.m.   Program
Place:  Waterford Public Library

The September program will feature Jean Scialabba talking about “Days for Girls International, a nonprofit organization that provides reusable feminine kits to women and girls in 150 countries.

Jean found out about DFG after reading an article in a magazine.  It talked about how millions of girls were missing school several days a month because they did not have any products when they had their period. According to the Days for Girls website they’re increasing access to menstrual care and education by developing global partnerships, cultivating social enterprises, mobilizing volunteers, and innovating sustainable solutions that shatter stigmas and limitations for women and girls. Together, they’re creating a world with dignity, health, and opportunity for all. Their goal is to reach “Every Girl. Everywhere. Period.”

Celeste Mergens, founder of DFG, came up with the idea of having washable pads. Volunteers were recruited to develop kits that could be sent to women around the world.   The kit is made by sewers from cotton and flannel fabric and lasts 4 years.  A sample kit may contain 2 Shields, 8 Liners, 2 panties, 1 small soap, 1 washcloth, 1 menstrual chart & pictorial instruction, 2 gallon-size freezer bags and a Drawstring Bag.

Jean has been a team leader for a group of volunteers in the southeast CT region for 5 years.   The group meets weekly to put the kits together.  She will present a sample kit and explain how we are impacting the lives of women around the world.   For more information about the organization visit their website at