Wednesday, October 12, 2022 Meeting

The Early Voting Ballot Initiative 

Wednesday, October 12, 2022
Waterford Public Library
6:15 p.m.           Refreshments
6:45 p.m.           Business Meeting
7:00 p.m.           Program

The October meeting of our branch will feature Tisha Rossi from League of Women Voters speaking about the early voting ballot initiative. Early Voting allows eligible voters to cast their ballot in person before the one 14-hour period designated in our state Constitution as Election Day.
All but 4 states have provisions that allow for Early Voting.  We share company with Mississippi, Alabama, and New Hampshire in restricting in-person voting to only Election Day.
Early Voting has been adopted by other states which recognize that in the modern world people have schedules complicated by the unpredictability of work and family care obligations, sickness, and the availability of transportation among many other reasons.  Opening the polls for a few days before the designated Tuesday in November encourages people to exercise their right to vote and participate in our democracy. 
Trisha serves as the Vice President for Advocacy and Public Affairs for the State League of Women Voters. She works with the advocacy team to educate the public and elected officials on the issues League members have designated as priorities: Voting Rights, Open Government, Clean Elections, Reproductive Healthcare, and Reversing Climate Change.
As Convener of the New Haven League, Tricia registers voters, monitors public housing elections, and works with allied community groups on projects such as The Complete 2020 Census Count. From 2019-2021 she served as the League’s People Powered Fair Maps Champion for Connecticut. She works the polls in her home district on Election Day and is currently focusing on having the Early Voting Referendum approved for Connecticut.